OZ Arts Nashville

Nashville's Non-Profit Contemporary Arts Center
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Make Outstanding Cocktails at Home

Realtor by day, David Paine is also a passionate mixologist who celebrates the relaxation, conversation, and camaraderie that can be found in a pre-dinner cocktail hour. David will instruct guests in making three classic cocktails during this conversation. Recipe ingredients will be delivered to participants on or before the day of the event.



Conversation Host

David Paine

Mixologist & Realtor
Village Real Estate

David landed in Nashville in 1976, fresh out of grad school with a MA in Architectural History, and began working with the Metro Historical Commission helping revitalize historic neighborhoods. He went from there to marketing, spending twenty-five years concepting, designing, and writing cool stuff for all sorts of clients – helping them identify their unique brands and promote their products and services. Eventually this lead to real estate – wrapping in-depth experience of the city, an ability to promote and sell, and a concern for people and community into a client-focused, house-positive real estate practice.

All along the way, properly made cocktails have been both a guiding light and a solace. Properly done, adult drinking is one of the most civilizing activities known to humankind–promoting relaxation, conversation, and camaraderie in that delectable hour before dinner.