OZ Arts Nashville

Faye Driscoll

(New York, NY)


April 24-26

Tickets from $30

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“An enthralling, epically adventurous work”

The New York Times

“Faye Driscoll is a post-millennium, postmodern wild woman. A wild woman with a scrupulous sense of form that she tweaks into eye-opening weirdness. Ferocious, hilarious, and disturbing…”

Village Voice

Nine performers cling to a revolving platform, surrounded on all sides by a rapt audience witnessing the careening and awe-inspiring kinetic sculpture of vulnerable human bodies. At times, they are perfectly (almost eerily) still, and at other moments they engage in high-velocity movement that makes them seem perilously close to being flung into space — or is it the sea? Choreographer and director Faye Driscoll describes her latest work, Weathering, as a “multi-sensory flesh sculpture,” and a “morphing tableau vivant on a mobile raft-like stage surging through the Anthropocene.” Sounds and scents add to the experience, as performers create a sonic score of voices and breaths that crescendos and resonates as we see bodies morph through physical and emotional displays of primordial fear and joy.

A singular experience that is sure to be one of the most legendary and memorable performance works of our time, Weathering created an international buzz that quickly reverberated around the world after its 2023 New York premiere, leading to touring with great acclaim throughout Europe, Asia, and North America.


Faye Driscoll is a Doris Duke Award-winning performance maker who has been hailed as a “startlingly original talent” by The New York Times and “a postmillenium postmodern wild woman” by The Village Voice. She was the 2021-2022 Randjelovic/Stryker Resident Commissioned Artist at New York Live Arts, and is the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship, a Bessie award and the Jacob’s Pillow Artist Award among many others. Her work has been presented at Wexner Center for the Arts, Walker Art Center, ICA/Boston, MCA Chicago, and BAM, and internationally at Tanz im August, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, La Biennale di Venezia, Festival d’Automne à Paris (2015, 2023), Melbourne Festival, Belfast International Arts Festival, Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens, Centro de Arte Experimental in Buenos Aires, Festival Dias da Dança in Porto, Théâtre Garonne (Toulouse), and Le Lieu Unique (Nantes).
Faye Driscoll
She recently premiered Calving (2022) at Theater Bremen (Bremen, Germany), and Weathering (2023) at New York Live Arts, (NY, USA). In 2020, her first-ever solo exhibition, Come On In, opened at Walker Art Center and then went on to Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, On the Boards, and Esplanade in Singapore, offering gallery-goers an experience of six distinct audio-guided experiences called Guided Choreographies for the Living and the Dead.